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The current position

BAIINFO-Domestic GPC Prices Consolidate Overall

Source: BAIINFO     Update Time:2024/7/25 15:29:33     【Print】【Collection】
Keywords: GPC
Summary: BAIINFO-CHINA, Domestic GPC market prices are averaged at RMB 1,828/T, down RMB 7/T or 0.38% over last workday. For Sinopec, GPC prices remain unchanged. In North China, mid and high-sulfur GPC sells well. Yanshan Petrochemical and Luoyang Petrochemical mainly produce 4#A GPC at present. For CNPC/PetroChina, GPC prices stabilize again with ordinary trading performance. Downstream graphite electrode production is still limited and anode material plants cut operation rates, depressing GPC demand.

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